Monday, April 18, 2011

Shade Garden Joys

The birds . . . and our 15-pound cat, Sir Oliver . . . love my shade garden almost as much as I do. It's peaceful and cool and is home to a concrete bench, a large concrete birdbath, and a small fish pond. Although I personally don't use the birdbath, Sir Oliver enjoys a drink from it now and then.

About a month ago, my shade garden was filled with robins. Four or five at a time would sit on the birdbath to enjoy a drink and a bath. We still have robins in and about the yard, but most have moved on.

I love watching for nest construction. A pair of cardinals were checking out the clematis in my shade garden, but I will have to go to the other side of the fence to see if they are actually building in there or not. Cardinals build in bushes and things like clematis.

As I was looking out my kitchen window this morning, I saw a pair of bluejays building a nest in the flowering crab tree. I watched the male trying to manuever a long twig through the new shoots of the crab tree and saw him finally deposit it into the nest. Mama had been sitting on the nest in progress, molding it or maybe seeing if she likes the view.

Bluejays would not be my bird of choice to build a nest in my shade garden. Although they are beautiful, they are aggressive birds and chase other birds away . . . thus their reputation as "neighborhood cop" when I was growing up. (I don't use the word cop anymore, so I guess they would be called "neighborhood police person?")

As I watch the birds enjoying my shade garden, I'm reminded that if God provides for the birds of the air, how much more will he provide for us.


  1. That's so good, i needed to hear that on today of all days =) as we plan and wait and plan during this time of home transitions. =)

    PS we'll try to be better living companions than the blue jays =) or you can kick us out to your shade garden =)

  2. Hehehe . . . the weather should be warm enough for you to use the birdbath or fishpond for brushing your teeth or whatever. Love ya!
