I have heard that the mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds. However, the only mustard seeds I’ve seen are the ones I cook with; I don't think they are that small. Maybe the ones I cook with are the fruit, not the seed??? Hmmmm . . . will have to look that up.
This I do know, lettuce and rutabaga seed are soooo teeny. I planted both in my new veggie garden on Monday and by Friday, 4 days later . . . little green plants appeared, along with a bazillion maple seeds!
Radish seedlings . .
Rutabaga seedlings . . .
Even after gardening all these many years, seeing a seed I plant come up out of the ground and grow and produce fruit never ceases to amaze me and remind me of God! I was like a little child in a toy shop Friday when I saw my new little veggie plants. The life and power inside a dry seed is an amazing miracle! The life and power of the Word and Holy Spirit inside a believer is an even greater and more amazing miracle!
As I was enjoying the beginning fruit of the labor of my hands (and back!), God reminded me of this verse.
“I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” Matthew 17:19-21
It’s really not even about the size of the seed. It’s about the planting . . . the “saying” to this mountain . . . speaking God’s word to the circumstances in our lives. Circumstances, the natural realm, are temporal . . . subject to change! God's word/promises contain life and power.
Faith which remains only in thought form is dead. Faith without works is dead. Faith is an action. Speaking is an action . . . sometimes I would even call speaking work.
Mountains/circumstances are moved first in the spiritual realm, like the dry seed is first put into the dirt. As I speak God’s word by faith and water it with prayer, praise and thanksgiving . . . life pushes up through the hard circumstance, busting up and out of the dirt, reaching for the SONlight!
“God is not a man, so he does not lie.
He is not human, so he does not change his mind.
Has he ever spoken and failed to act?
Has he ever promised and not carried it through?”
Numbers 23:19
If God said mountains can be moved, then they can be moved! As we plant the seed, He will carry it through!
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