Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Living Sacrifice

I've read through the Bible
several times
ok . . . ALL of the bible __?__ many times
MOST of the bible the other times
I confess
I tend to skip or skim
Leviticus . . . and Numbers

Leviticus . . .
the book of the law
this offering
for this sin

the burnt offering
the grain offering
the peace offering
the sin offering
the trespass offering

offerings of blood 
offerings consumed by fire

My response to Leviticus . . .
I no longer need to check the list
for the appropriate offering
for my sin.
Jesus is my final sin offering!

But . . . I just read again 
for the umpteenth time
Romans 12:1 . . .

“And so, dear brothers and sisters,

I plead with you to give your bodies

to God because of all he has done for you.

Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—

the kind he will find acceptable.

This is truly the way to worship him."
(New Living Translation)

Hmmm . . . let me check
a different translation of the bible . . .

“So here’s what I want you to do,

God helping you:

Take your everyday, ordinary life—

your sleeping,



and walking-around life—

and place it before God as an offering.”
(Message Bible)

Every part of my ordinary life . . .
an offering to you, Lord?
My eating?
(surely chips and chocolate not included)
my thoughts
my driving?

It would be easier
less painful for my flesh
if I could just offer up
one of the Levitical offerings!

of my everyday . . . ordinary . . . walking-around life
on the altar as an offering
to you, Lord
terminating my “rights”
choosing your way
not the world’s way . . .
MY choice

of my everyday . . . ordinary . . . walking-around life
being transformed by your Word
becoming a living sacrifice
a daily expression of worship . . .
MY choice

All my “sacrifices”
to be a living sacrifice
moment by moment
on my knees
at the foot of the cross
covered with the blood of Jesu

“Embracing what God does for you

is the best thing you can do for him.

Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture

that you fit into it without even thinking.

Instead, fix your attention on God.

You’ll be changed from the inside out.

Readily recognize what he wants from you,

and quickly respond to it.

Unlike the culture around you,

always dragging you down

to its level of immaturity,

God brings the best out of you,

develops well-formed maturity in you.” 
Romans 12:1-2
Message Bible

1 comment:

  1. Ouch! And right on! =)

    This will definitely be rolling around in my heart - like the lyrics to a song that gets stuck....and stuck....

    Thanks for posting! Lots of things to think about. And do.
