Wednesday, September 14, 2011



the softness of cooler temps . . . crisp nights and crisp mornings
putting my flowerbeds and yard “to bed”
beautiful harvest moons
watching farm fields of soybeans turning from deep green to shimmering gold, then brown
watching farmers harvesting their crops
the gorgeous reds and yellows of trees
the knockout colors of mums
to go on picnics of hotdogs and smores (and potato chips!)
the smell of wood fireplaces
the smell of leaves burning (in the “old” days)

Fall . . . my MOST FAVORITE season . . . can you tell?

But there is a day of Fall that I do not look forward to . . . the Fall Equinox . . . when the sun rises exactly east and sets exactly west . . . blinding me via my car mirrors and through the windshield while driving at those times of the day . . . causing me to squint and pray, God thank you for going before me to prepare the way!

But the Fall Equinox can NEVER dampen my love of Fall!!!

How appropriate to be reading 2 Corinthians 3 during this Fall season, with the Fall Equinox approaching (Friday, September 23rd)!

“But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, then the veil is taken away. And all of us have had that veil removed so that we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more.” 2 Cor. 3:16,18 NLT

Makes me ask myself, “Self, just how brightly is the Lord reflecting in your mirror/life?”

No matter how much I “Windex” my mirror . . . and I do have my part to play in keeping it clean . . . it is “as the Spirit of the Lord works within me . . . making me more and more like him . . . that HIS glory reflects brighter and brighter” in my mirror, my life.

Praise God! It’s not me but the Holy Spirit in me!

Reflecting God’s glory in me . . . a “Fall Equinox” for Him!

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