Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Circle of Life Ends at the Curb?

A couple of blocks south of Calvert Street on 52nd Street, a little white house, facing south, sits on the corner lot. A detached garage stands on the edge of the alley to the north. Ken and I have walked by this house many times over the past years . . . it’s on our 3-mile walk route.

An older gentleman, who wore bib overalls, lived in the house.

We would say hello as we passed by.

But the only thing we knew about this man was his passion for gardening. A large vegetable garden filled his entire backyard between the garage and the house. Each spring neat rows appeared, seeds were planted, a mulch of grass clippings was applied to control weeds, and his garden grew.

One morning in August as we passed by on our walk, we saw his “life” at the curb . . . a worn, blue recliner . . . a TV . . . a refrigerator . . . pots and pans. The next day and the next day, bits and pieces of his “life” straggled to the curb, scattered onto the grass.

Even though we did not personally know this gentleman, it was sad seeing what we call “life” tossed so carelessly at the curb.

A young man in his 20’s stood in the open garage at a workbench one evening . . . looking . . . tossing. We exchanged hellos, but I really wanted to say, Who are you? Grandson? Nephew? Don’t be so quick to toss out the “life” of the man who lived there and grew the veggies!

God speaks to my heart each time we pass this house . . . “Lifetimes are spent accumulating and striving after things. Don’t be concerned about the temporal, whose destination is the curb. Be concerned about people who are eternal.”

God desires all people to be saved and to spend eternity with Him. But how will they if we don’t tell them about Jesus and the cross?

The circle of our temporal lives ends at the curb . . . eventually!

The circle of our eternal lives . . . heaven or hell.

I’m challenged to no longer just pass by!

“Lord, let me see people through your eyes and to truly hear them with your heart. Give me opportunities to speak your word into their lives.”


  1. Great post! Thanks for the reminder =)

  2. PS ... see, i knew my tendency to throw things to the curb is of God! haha j/k =) =)

  3. great illustration of what matters in this life.
