Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pressing In

The Mall
Washington, D.C.
July 4, 2004
Ken and I
2 of 600,000
from the capitol building
to the Lincoln Monument

Standing very near
the Washington Monument
directly under the canopy of fireworks
or so it seemed
felt the earth resonate
the celebration of freedom

Pressed in with 600,000 people
NOT so awesome
for this border-line claustrophobic!
WAY out of my comfort zone
but I pressed in
to be a part. . . to see . . . to experience

Twice in recent daily reading of the Word
“great crowds . . . pressed in” 

“One day as Jesus was preaching
on the shore of the Sea of Galilee,
great crowds pressed in on him
to listen to the word of God.” 
Luke 5:1  NLT  (emphasis added)

“But Jesus withdrew with His disciples
 to the sea.  And a great multitude . . .
followed Him, . . . a great multitude,
when they heard how many things
He was doing, came to Him.
So He told His disciples that a small boat
should be kept ready for Him
because of the multitude,
lest they should crush Him.
For He healed many,
so that as many as had afflictions
pressed about Him to touch Him. 
Mark 3:7-10 NKJV (emphasis added)

So I looked up the word pressed . . .

Dictionary . . .
To act upon with steadily applied weight of force
To urge or entreat strongly or insistently
To hold closely, as in an embrace; clasp
To push forward
To urge onward; hasten
To squeeze out or express, as juice

Thesaurus . . .
Pin down

I asked myself
is my relationship with Him
pushing me forward
drawing me to
“press in”
with all my heart, soul, and being
to hold closely
to embrace
to hear 
His Word
to know
His very presence
to receive
for this mortal being

Is His grace in my life
bringing desire to
bulldoze the darkness
applying a steady force of intercession for
the lost
the sick
the promises of God
the Body of Christ

I'm choosing this day to
Press In

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